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Green Growth Asia Foundation

Green Growth Asia Foundation (GGAF) is a nonprofit organisation incorporated through Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM).


GGAF provides a platform for leadership, thought and action in responding to sustainability challenges in Asia. It is taking a lead in promoting a new green growth strategy that strikes a balance between economic development, social inclusivity and environmental sustainability. It is achieving this through cutting edge ‘green growth’ programmes that drive economic prosperity within a socially inclusive context, underpinned by a strong sense of responsibility towards the environment and advanced through education for sustainable development initiatives.


To achieve economic growth that is socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable where society fully embraces a green lifestyle.


To promote a green growth agenda to all urban and community stakeholders through programmes, projects and activities that advance sustainable solutions in the form of knowledge, cutting edge technology and innovative financing based solutions.


The following goals represent the outcomes that GGAF is working towards in Asia: 

1. Economic growth is being pursued through a green growth agenda 
2. Society is fully included in the benefits of economic growth leading to poverty eradication, higher living standards and enhanced well-being 
3. The Environment is healthy and is not being depleted or adversely impacted by economic and social development 
4. Education for Sustainable Development has empowered people to change the way they think and work towards a sustainable lifestyle and future

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Our Key Education Programmes

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© 2024 YRE Malaysia by Green Growth Asia Foundation

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